AFT RD - Editorial
Grup rosu
From UAV development to the process of building a Romanian brand

We invite you to be proud of our technological achievements!
We love our products and our technological achievements and we are very proud of them. As you can see we decided to be present on internet. We are on Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn. We are testing Instagram, Twitter and others... and we are building www.aft.ro.  We would like you to know our products and to be proud of our technological achievements.

We want you to be part of it! 
Many of you heard about us directly or indirectly from our partners, who know or use the products. We would like now to introduce you the team, the competences and to invite you to come along with us with your ideas and comments. We would like to work together with you to make our brand known.
We will keep you up-dated with our achievements and activities. It is not simple to develop a business in a niche. We have impediments generated by sources which we expected to be resources. Nevertheless we succeeded to be were we are now. It was a lot of effort, work. It was difficult. But as difficult it was, as much we enjoyed being part of it. And we would like you to be part of it!

Hobby for technology and technology for hobby!
We have high professional and technological ambitions, but we do not forget that our starting point 15 years ago was our hobby. Through the media channels we will disclose you more about our hobbies. UAVs are now a serious subject, but their origins are in hobbies. Abilities that are necessary in UAV factories derive out of model plane hobby. High-end UAV components are produced by companies serving also model plane industry. Many UAV systems have inside a millions euro grund control station a simple remote control emiter for scale plane . Encouraging hobbies means for us to promote the education in the field. Therefore our motto is: Hobby for technology and technology for hobby!

We want you to be proud of Romania!
Our goal is to develop entirely Romanian UAVs. All entities involved in UAV field in Romania buy important UAV parts from foreign producers. We choose a more difficult way.... We build technology here in Romania! We have now in operation a mature automatic pilot, entirely developed and produced by us. We want to convince other entities from UAV field to do the same. We want to be one of the reasons for which you are proud of Romania!

We have some ideas... We hope you will like them. We need your support, suggestions and comments. We are looking for solutions to allow you to be actively involved in our projects and ...we are preparing some surprises ....

Technologically yours,
Team Apus
De la dezvoltare de sisteme UAV la promovare

Vrem sa va mindriti si voi cu realizarile noastre.
Iubim si ne mandrim cu produsele si realizarile noastre . Dupa cum vedeti, am aparut pe Internet. Avem o pagina de Facebook, un canal de Youtube si o pagina pe LinkedIn. Incercam sa vedem despre ce e vorba cu Instagram, Twitter si, evident, un www.aft.ro. Facem asta pentru ca vrem sa va mandriti si voi cu realizarile noastre.

Vrem sa faceti parte din acest drum.
Multi dintre dumneavoastra au auzit deja de noi direct sau indirect, de la partenerii nostri care cunosc sau utilizeaza produsele. Acum va dezvaluim echipa si competentele.Va invitam alaturi de noi cu ideile si comentariile voastre. Dorim ca impreuna sa crestem notorietatea brandului AFT. O sa va tinem la curent cu realizarile, progresul si activitatile noastre. Nu este simplu sa ai succes cu o afacere de nisa. Avem multe piedici din directii din care, in mod normal, ar trebui sa primim sprijin. Pe de alta parte, am reusit!!! A fost mult efort si munca! A fost greu! Insa pe cat de greu, pe atat a fost de frumos. Si vrem sa faceti parte din acest drum!

Hobby pentru tehnologie si tehnologie pentru hobby
Din punct de vedere profesional si tehnologic avem ambitii mari, dar nu uitam ca punctul de plecare acum 15 ani a fost hobbyul nostru.  Prin intermediul canalelor media vom dezvalui mai multe si despre hobby-urile noastre. Desi UAV-urile au devenit un lucru foarte serios, ele isi au originile in hobby-uri. Multe aptitudini necesare intr-o fabrica de UAV-uri provin din aeromodelism. Componente performante de UAV provin de la firme ce produc componente si pentru aeromodelism. Multe sisteme UAV au intr-un centru de comanda de milioane de euro o banala statie de radiocomanda. In plus prin incurajarea hobby-urilor promovam educatia in domeniu. Deviza noastra este: hobby pentru tehnologie si tehnologie pentru hobby.

Vrem sa va mandriti cu Romania. 
Ne propunem sa dezvoltam sisteme UAV "autentic Romanesti". Toti cei implicati in cercetarea si dezvoltarea de astfel de sisteme in Romania, cumpara subansamblele esentiale de la producatori externi. Noi am ales un drum mai greu... Construim tehnologie aici, in Romania! In prezent, avem in exploatare un pilot automat matur, creat si construit integral de noi. Vrem sa ii convingem si pe altii implicati in acest domeniu sa faca la fel. Vrem sa fim si noi unul din motivele pentru care va mandriti cu Romania. 

Avem cateva idei. Speram sa va placa... Pentru materializarea lor, avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru, sugestii si comentarii.... Cautam solutii prin care sa puteti participa activ la proiectele noastre si avem cateva surprize in acest sens...

Dar toate la timpul lor.

Cu mult respect,
Echipa AFT